Navigating the Online Habits of Canadians

As we navigate an era where information and connections are instantly accessible, Canada stands out as a digital frontrunner. Our country, teeming with varied interests and digital opportunities, is embracing this online revolution. With predictions of mobile internet penetration in Canada reaching 96% in 2024, it’s clear that Canadians are among the world’s most skilled internet users. But what does this mean in practical terms for the average Canadian’s online activities? Let’s take a closer look at the nuances of the Canadian digital experience.

Popular Online Activities among Canadians

Canada’s digital landscape is vibrant and diverse, reflecting the active participation of its users. A recent survey of adult Canadian internet users has shed light on some of the most popular online activities:

Email remains a staple in digital communication for most Canadian adults, with 86% regularly using it. It serves as a reliable medium for sending messages and documents, including text, images, and attachments. Its flexibility and effectiveness make it a preferred choice for both personal and business communication.

Online banking is favored by 67% of Canadian internet users for its convenience, allowing them to manage their finances with just a few clicks. This fusion of financial management and technological ease is particularly valuable in our fast-paced world, offering the comfort of handling transactions from home.

An impressive 89% of Canadian internet users engage with social media. It’s not just about connecting with friends and family anymore; it has evolved into a hub for e-commerce, providing exciting marketing opportunities for online businesses.

Accessing news online is a priority for 52% of Canadians, who frequently turn to online news platforms. These digital outlets provide a real-time view of the global landscape, covering everything from local events to international news, politics, and pop culture.

Online shopping is a favorite activity among 50% of Canadian internet users. While traditional shopping persists, the convenience of online stores, coupled with user reviews, detailed product descriptions, influencer recommendations, and more, makes it an appealing alternative.

Lastly, browsing the internet for leisure is enjoyed by 48% of Canadian internet users. It’s a gateway to learning, gaining new perspectives, and discovering hobbies. The internet is a treasure trove of instructions, examples, and communities for almost any interest.

Search Engines and Social Media Platforms

In the Canadian digital landscape, two giants stand out: Google and Meta. Let’s explore their impact on the online preferences of Canadians:

Google’s Dominance

Google is the undisputed leader in search engines in Canada, commanding over 91% of the market, far ahead of competitors like Bing (5%). Its sophisticated algorithms and extensive web-crawling capabilities ensure search results are both accurate and personalized. Google’s user-friendly interface and reliability have solidified its top position.

YouTube, a key part of the Google network, is not just a platform for entertainment; it’s a diverse community where 63% of Canadian internet users have an account. Its integration within the expansive Google ecosystem enhances its reach and functionality. With its wide appeal across various age groups, YouTube sees an impressive monthly usage of 17 hours and 42 minutes. This makes it an essential platform for reaching a broad audience with varied interests, further benefiting from the technological prowess and innovation of Google.

The Role of Meta

When it comes to social media, Facebook is often the first platform that comes to mind. With over 83% of Canadians using it, Facebook remains a dominant force. It’s a hub for connecting with friends and family, staying updated with news, and engaging with groups that share your interests. Additionally, Facebook’s ecosystem includes Messenger and WhatsApp, enhancing its connectivity.

Instagram, a visually appealing platform under the Meta umbrella, is a hotspot for fresh ideas and influencer marketing. Being part of Meta’s family of apps, Instagram benefits from advanced technological and advertising capabilities. This integration into a digital marketing strategy is particularly effective in Canada, where 57% of internet users are active on the platform, with its popularity soaring among the 16-34 age group. With an average monthly usage of 9 hours and 30 minutes, Instagram is key for engaging with a demographic that values visually appealing, interactive content, leveraging the extensive reach and innovation of the Meta network

Other Key Players

Pinterest also holds a significant place in the Canadian digital space. With 42% of internet users having an account, it’s particularly popular among all age groups, but it has a notably larger female user base. This platform is ideal for businesses targeting a predominantly female audience and those focusing on visual and creative content.

LinkedIn, with 39% of Canadian internet users having accounts, serves as a vital tool for professional networking and career development. It’s a platform where professionals can connect, share insights, and explore opportunities.

Maximizing Your Online Presence in Canada

Establishing a significant online presence in Canada requires understanding current trends and utilizing the right tools. It’s a process that doesn’t yield immediate results.

At The Three Marketers, we specialize in accelerating your online success. Our tailored solutions are designed to boost your sales, increase your visibility, and help your app gain traction.

Contact us at 403-230-3993 or chat with us online. Together, we’ll navigate, innovate, and illuminate your path to digital success.


“2023 Report: Social Media Use in Canada (Statistics).” Accessed [2023].

“Most Popular Online Activities Among Internet Users in Canada as of March 2023.” [2023].

“Internet Statistics In Canada.” Accessed [2024].

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